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Gov. Ron DeSantis appointed Matt McClain as Marion County Commissioner for District 3 in September 2023 to fill the remaining term that had been vacated. He previously served in the legislative offices of Sen. Dennis Baxley and Rep. Charlie Stone.

Matt McClain has spent over a decade serving residents in Marion County and parts of Central Florida as a Chief Legislative Aide in the Florida House of Representatives and the Florida Senate. From economic development and tourism to constitutional rights and education, McClain helped shepherd dozens of policy initiatives through the legislative process in Tallahassee. A College of Central Florida graduate, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business and Organizational Management. McClain is a third-generation Marion County resident. He has been faithfully married to his wife Elaine since 2012, and together they have three children. He is an active member of Redeemer Community Church, serving as a deacon.


“Having the opportunity to work for the people of my community on the Marion County Commission has been an honor. While I had the privilege to focus on our issues through my work in the Florida Legislature, now I can directly represent the wonderful people here. We have a thriving local economy, yet we have so many challenges ahead, from roads to land development to public safety. I will always pursue policies and initiatives that are consistent with principles of fiscal responsibility and conservative values."

Matt McClain

Why Matt is the Right Choice!

As Commissioner, Matt will be a champion for economic growth, job creation, and improved infrastructure. He is committed to fostering collaboration and partnership between the government and local businesses, ensuring that Marion County remains a competitive and prosperous place to live and do business.

Matt has a proven record of effective leadership, having worked diligently on legislative projects throughout his time in state government. He is a strong advocate for transparency and community engagement, and he believes that every resident should have a voice in the decision-making process.

In addition to economic development, Matt is also passionate about improving public safety and addressing the needs of our most vulnerable residents. He will fight tirelessly for fair and effective law enforcement, while also working to expand access to affordable housing, quality education, and healthcare services.

Matt's commitment to giving back to our community is unwavering. He has always been an advocate for causes that align with our shared values. His dedication to public service and his genuine concern for the welfare of all residents make him an ideal candidate for Commissioner.

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Gov. Ron DeSantis placed his trust in Matt McClain to fill a vacant seat on the Marion County Commission. Since being sworn in, Matt has provided a voice for prioritizing public safety and infrastructure, while advocating for government transparency and accountability. Matt is committed to making Marion County a safe and prosperous community today and for generations to come.

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Matt's core values: Liberty. Faith. Family.

Liberty is our most sacred principle, and what separates citizens from subjects. It is your God-given right to pursue anything that you please that is right and just.

Our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles. When our founders wrote our Constitution, it was with these values and principles in mind. Without an acknowledgment of our Creator, our country unravels at the seams.

Families were the first institution, long before any recognition by a public or government authority, and they must be protected. Without families to love, care for and teach one another, people become the responsibility of the state, and that should be a last resort. 

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Invest in the future of Marion County by making a donation to Matt's campaign. Your support can make a difference in this election and will help him defeat his opponents and secure his seat on the Marion County Commission. Together, we can build a brighter future for our community.

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Matt will continue working to:

Matt pledges to prioritize public safety in every decision he makes. He believes that a safe community is a cornerstone of a thriving society, and he takes this role seriously. Matt is committed to working closely with local law enforcement agencies, first responders, and community organizations to develop and implement comprehensive public safety initiatives.

Matt is dedicated to promoting economic growth and job creation in Marion County. By working closely with local businesses, entrepreneurs, and community leaders, he will create an environment conducive to business growth and attract new investments. He will advocate for policies that support small businesses, encourage innovation, and foster entrepreneurship.

One of the key factors for economic development is efficient infrastructure. Matt recognizes the importance of investing in infrastructure upgrades, such as roads, bridges, and public transportation. He will advocate for the maintenance and expansion of critical infrastructure to facilitate the movement of goods and services, enhance connectivity, and attract new businesses to Marion County.

As a third-generation resident of Marion County, Matt knows the importance of being good stewards of our agriculture and natural resources. Supporting policies that will protect our lakes, rivers and springs are crucial to preserving water quality for future generations.

Marion County's equine industry and working farms continue to be a celebrated part of our identity and history. As a major economic driver, advocating for their interests must be a top priority.

As County Commissioner, Matt is committed to making responsible fiscal decisions and prioritizing taxpayer dollars. Matt will work diligently to identify cost-saving measures, streamline operations, and ensure that public funds are allocated efficiently and effectively. By being accountable and transparent with our finances, we can ensure that taxpayer money is spent wisely.

The role of every government body, whether at the federal, state, or local level, should be to protect the individual rights of every person. Matt believes that rights are God-given, and pledges to defend against efforts to subvert or change our founding documents.

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